If you have any questions for me about what I shared in the Guide on Unlocking a Once-in-a-Lifetime Opportunity to Building Wealth With Precious Metals—Before the Market Takes Off in 2025…
Hi Andy, many thanks for putting the guide together. My question is I don't have much spare money to invest and I feel it isn't enough to make a real difference. What strategy would you recommend for a limited investment pot?
Hi Andy, I just booked my call and paid my deposit. I’m very excited about this opportunity with you. I’m in USA. What are dates for Mastermind in February to look into travel option?
Could investing be done only using pension funds? Seems that if gains are in pension funds then gains would be taxed when/if withdrawals are made. Is there a risk if I can’t withdrawal without penalty for 2.5 years to reach age 59.5. If new brokerage account opened are there better ones/more stable ones to consider? If fiat currency is devalued is there risk with ability to access accounts? i.e. Solvency of brokerage firm? Ok to answer here or on webinar. Thank you.
I would absolutely love to see you in Costa Rica, annoyingly I am playing catch up with you. So impressed with the weekly webinar, I have gone to the very first one in lock down and watched the second and third. I intend to watch them all, the point is had I been on the webinar 4..5 years ago my financial situation would be much healthier, to put it mildly. I would like to join you and others if there are sufficient numbers for a zoom meeting. Best Regards, noe
Nicola here, Joseph, and can I just say, hello and boy! you are a glutton for punishment! But it will be very interesting to see us gradually coming to the realisations we do, watching that will be funny in a dark kinda way! With regard to coming to Costa Rica, you'd be most welcome and I think the cart is open now to pay your deposit and book a call with Paul or I.
Could you please advise if there is a passive way to invest in this precious metal market, similar to your advice on Bitcoin a few years ago? (Thank you again for that, as it has more than doubled my investment with minimal effort!)
Additionally, what are your thoughts on investing in the Australian property market, particularly in locations with potential for population growth, infrastructure development, etc.? Historically, it has doubled in value every 10 years, and it seems to be seen as no signs of this trend changing.
I am truly grateful for all your guidance and support for me and my family.
I also wanted to ask if I should continue investing in Bitcoin, as per your original advice, while also investing in precious metals. If so, to what extent should I allocate my liquid assets (e.g., still at least 5%)?
Hi Andy, I'll try to be brief! (not my strong suit.)
First, THANK YOU for your ingenious take on Gold. You say your not an expert yet you are.. I used to get your Bug Free emails. Then little since you exposed the vaccine dangers. I figured they got you.
Anyway, I am (well used to be a futures trader...esp gold.) Self taught from true experts like you. I say used to be , because a few years ago I developed a physical disability (ankle, which I'm healing by Natural Means). Yet it ruined me financially...disability USA). So, unless a money miracle, I'll have to miss out.
As for when I was trading Gold, I could've made a fortune, IF I'd listened to my expert. Yet I was naive and shy, so ...I missed.
Still the people I followed explained that the cycles showed we were due a great crash & depression ala 1929 & 1031-33. This would've been 2008-9 (bigger than the "Crash" that did occur then) So, Enter the Fed and 27 trillion debt (34 T total, plus their Balance Sheet), to "avoid this. Yet the Piper will be paid soon.
So for me, I've been praying for a stake and hoping not to miss the crash of a lifetime, by shorting the markets. I tell people I could turn 10K to 10 million. They don't get it.
YET , as you probably know Conventional Wisdom says Gold only rises in inflation. And in Deflation/depression , the Dollar rises (ad is THE safe Haven. As in people literally stuffing their mattresses with $'s during the Great Depression. (Then again it was Gold backed1).
So I was thinking, recently, that IF I were to get my stake, maybe I'd short Gold instead of the Markets...or a comb. Yet, THEN YOU COME ALONG LAST WEEK, and take what we all assumed to be true to the ULTIMATE LEVEL. That is, it is GOLD that is the ultimate SOURCE.
Like I said, I'm being VERY BRIEF here. If you & I were sitting down having a chat...it would take a bit. Yet before your BOMBSHELL last week, I was already praying for my miracle stake, yet resigned that I miss the "game" I paid my dues to be in. That hasn't changed. What has changed is HOW I would play this IF my miracle occurs...and that would be doing what you reco.
So, as of now, I can't trade nor go to Costa Rica. YET I WILL DEVOUR every bit of info you send us.
And a few General Q's
1) I see now how Gold has retained it's value forever. And for those of us who would follow your strategy,...well our resources would A) BE SAFE and B) GROW by leaps and bound,. YET , if the rest of the world eventually wakes up and the fiats are gone, Then WOULDN'T our Gains evaporate. Because Gold would then just level down to a "Price". And in such an economy the only way to be MORE wealthy would be to accumulate MORE GOLD , because it's "price" could never change. I mean, our initial funds would still be safe (vs the masses ,yet our Growth would be gone. Elucidate please
2). in my current "poverty" I have limited web access (typing this from Public library). SO , WILL YOU POST A REPLAY OF YOUR WEBINAR for those of us who can't make it?
Thank you for the wonderful compliment. I am both sad and grateful that you won't be able to make it, as having an actual expert in the room would probably intimidate me thanks to the schooling I was programmed with. A difficult bug to shift for sure.
I agree, a huge crash way bigger than 1929 is on the cards. To have the skill to short it with confidence at the right time would be a skill I would love (so am in admiration of your skill there). However, now at my age I like taking smaller risks, so even though this sector is rightly considered high risk, I understand the asset value and psychology so I can position myself to profit.
Yes, I intend to post the replay - unless there is a computer issue.
As for your other question, I'll answer that on the call next week. I think you will like the answer ;-)
I hope the Webinar went well! As I expected, I couldn't make the live time. So, will you still post the replay? And how will we access it.
Your report has me so charged up and motivated, that I am going TO MAKE MY MIRACLE happen...ie acquire a stake and trade (either your way &/or via the Futures Market. AND I will also attend your Mastermind if my stake comes in time. Sounds "impossible" , yet EVERYTHING IS POSSIBE! BELIVE!
Hi Andy. Thanks so much for the guide. It has given me a greater sense of urgency to take action. My question is ... how do you envisage what will happen when the fiat currency finally dies. Do you think it will be a coordinated global rollout of CBDCs?
Hi Andy, thanks for putting together such a wonderful explanation of the metals world. My question, is how do you reconcile being in the markets (2nd half of the report), when you fully acknowledge the risk presented in The Great Taking in the first part of the book? Wouldn't that be reason enough to stay away from the markets, and brokerage accounts that may already be someone else's collateral?
Hi Wally, Nicola here. The email you entered with your deposit is not working, so we tried the email you used when you booked the previous event. Can you confirm you have received that email from me?
Thank you for taking the time putting the guide together. It's certainly helped me make a decision. I have a very small amount available to invest, way, way below the lowest required to join you in Costa Rica. So, on to my questions...
Is the fact that you make currency rather than money perhaps the biggest risk with trading?
Would the aim be to exit and purchase money in the form of precious metals before the shit really hits the fan?
In terms of investing in gold and silver coins, is there anywhere that you would recommend?
In a worst-case scenario, safeguarding our assets might become secondary to more pressing survival concerns if societal breakdown leads to lawlessness and chaos. Such conditions could turn remaining assets into liabilities, attracting unwanted attention or even endangering personal safety. This kind of uncertainty could partly explain why some billionaires are exploring space ventures, perhaps as a backup escape plan. Your thoughts?
AZ: if you are so inclined, read my comment above. Yours is a most brilliant, timely inquiry.—Kat, world trends researcher 48 years, Holistic Practitioner medical intuitive, author on the topic of co-creating miracles. 😺
Uncanny update, Az. We live in a good community, yet I’m a pattern follower/situational awareness minded sort of gal. Having a paternal grandfather Chicago policeman, jail chaplain parents, certainly played a role in forming this part of my persona. Well, early yesterday, come to find out, one of our bank branches was robbed at a teller window. Thankfully, no one was hurt. He’s now on the FBI wanted list. I agree with your concern: we are in the end game, so my 48 years of in the trenches research has shown. No time like the present to remain ever vigilant. Kind regards, Kat, ever the realistic cautious optimist…
Hi Andy - I can see why holding financial / paper assets would be bad when fiat currencies get wiped out, but wouldn't real assets; e.g. good quality residential units, still retain their underlying value when the mayhem subsides? Also, you say in your book that at the forthcoming point of reckoning for fiat currencies that BTC will be dismissed as the way forward - is that because, in a time of crisis, people will look to history (and therefore gold) for a safe way to denominate money?
Yes, for holding the attention of all men employees that knew hubby and I very well, at said shop, I found it enlightening that while I was speaking, Mr. Moriarty, a no nonsense kind of guy, focused solely on his business at hand. Years later, he would write a moving tribute on behalf of his dearly departed wife on his long running newsletter, 321 Gold. It would be advice from there, in addition to our own tenacity, that would give us the wherewithal required to become wholly debt free.
I’ve realised that I’m rubbish at accounting, journaling my investment progress and have some strange concerns about making sure I report correctly to HMRC 😵💫
Will you be covering the best way to make the returns as tax efficient as possible and ways to track and monitor the returns?
Currently, we've sold 3 places, UK, Switzerland and New Zealand. I can assure you I am in no way a tax expert in all, or in fact any jurisdiction. So tax mitigation wasn't part of the course. But I am more than happy to discuss over dinner, or at the bar.
No you are not banned from questions, questions are a good thing :-)
I appreciate your honestly about the agenda and also the social aspects to the week are very appealing as I feel many of us function more authentically when off the clock and out of the classroom..
With the BTC and crypto surge at the moment I’d be keen to understand if it will be solely the traditional markets you’d be covering or also the evolving world of digital assets?
This is an area I’m finding it difficult to navigate at the moment and am looking for a supportive, experienced and professional community to join.
I am involved in Digital Assets, and no doubt they will come up during the week, plus dinners and lunches etc. But the main focus of the mastermind will be on the opportunity that is there in Precious Metals. The Crypto market has begun and so will run its course and enjoy it's year of plenty before its 3 years of famine. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the year of plenty, but I am looking at a 10 maybe even 15 year bull market in precious metals, so I intend to spend those years reaping the rewards :-)
To be honest this is exactly what I’ve been looking for.
I jumped into the world of trading and investing when I realised the world was not quite what I thought and that I’d been outsourcing some very important parts of my life.
The progress I’ve made is good, but this would massively accelerate and would be great to have some support.
That said, I’m in and on so many trainings and academies at the moment, I feel it will be a huge challenge to convince the hubby that more ‘development’ spend.. is a must!!
I don’t know if I missed it, but do you take BTC or crypto as payment for the event?
This is probably more war and piece than you imagined, but I’d really appreciate the chance to jump on a zoom to learn more.
Hi Lyra, Fully understood, I myself am on multiple too. We've had a few questions in from email over the last few days too, so I'll probably schedule a webinar next week.. And yes of course BTC and crypto are perfectly acceptable. Best wishes, Andy
Hi Andy, thanks for reinvigorating my precious metal buying. The collapse of banking and the current monetary system is somewhat underpinning thoughts of buying precious metals. If we consider that fiat currency becomes meaningless then the value of my silver coins is going to get decided by the new market ie how many potatoes I can buy with 1/2oz silver. Is it disingenuous to refer to "profits and gains" when the value of the dollar is going to become meaningless and hence profit cannot be calculated as there's no calibrating benchmark? Thanks, Russell
Hi Andy, thank you so much for the guide and your valuable insights as always.
However, what I don't understand is that you allude in the guide to holding physical gold/silver.
But when the **** hits the fan, how is that going to help us in a practical survival level if you need to buy food and resources? I don't see my local convenience store accepting silver coins!
My other question is that you seem to be suggesting that trading metals is the way to make serious returns but trading unless you know what you are doing is highly risky for the layman. Are there other more safer ways to invest in metals which you perhaps did not elaborate much on in the guide?
Hi Andy, many thanks for putting the guide together. My question is I don't have much spare money to invest and I feel it isn't enough to make a real difference. What strategy would you recommend for a limited investment pot?
Hi Steph, I'll answer that on the call as my answer will lead to further clarification. So I can go deeper there.
Thanks Andy
Hi Andy, I just booked my call and paid my deposit. I’m very excited about this opportunity with you. I’m in USA. What are dates for Mastermind in February to look into travel option?
Could investing be done only using pension funds? Seems that if gains are in pension funds then gains would be taxed when/if withdrawals are made. Is there a risk if I can’t withdrawal without penalty for 2.5 years to reach age 59.5. If new brokerage account opened are there better ones/more stable ones to consider? If fiat currency is devalued is there risk with ability to access accounts? i.e. Solvency of brokerage firm? Ok to answer here or on webinar. Thank you.
Hi Desiree, good questions. I'll answer them on the webinar.
Thanks Andy. Looking forward to Webinar.
Received safely Desiree, one of us will be in touch shortly!
Thank you Nicola.
Hi Andy,
I would absolutely love to see you in Costa Rica, annoyingly I am playing catch up with you. So impressed with the weekly webinar, I have gone to the very first one in lock down and watched the second and third. I intend to watch them all, the point is had I been on the webinar 4..5 years ago my financial situation would be much healthier, to put it mildly. I would like to join you and others if there are sufficient numbers for a zoom meeting. Best Regards, noe
Nicola here, Joseph, and can I just say, hello and boy! you are a glutton for punishment! But it will be very interesting to see us gradually coming to the realisations we do, watching that will be funny in a dark kinda way! With regard to coming to Costa Rica, you'd be most welcome and I think the cart is open now to pay your deposit and book a call with Paul or I.
Hi Andy,
Thank you very much for the guide.
Could you please advise if there is a passive way to invest in this precious metal market, similar to your advice on Bitcoin a few years ago? (Thank you again for that, as it has more than doubled my investment with minimal effort!)
Additionally, what are your thoughts on investing in the Australian property market, particularly in locations with potential for population growth, infrastructure development, etc.? Historically, it has doubled in value every 10 years, and it seems to be seen as no signs of this trend changing.
I am truly grateful for all your guidance and support for me and my family.
Looking forward to your response
Best wishes, TJ
Hi Andy,
I also wanted to ask if I should continue investing in Bitcoin, as per your original advice, while also investing in precious metals. If so, to what extent should I allocate my liquid assets (e.g., still at least 5%)?
Hi TJ, no problem will answer all those on the call.
Hi Andy, I'll try to be brief! (not my strong suit.)
First, THANK YOU for your ingenious take on Gold. You say your not an expert yet you are.. I used to get your Bug Free emails. Then little since you exposed the vaccine dangers. I figured they got you.
Anyway, I am (well used to be a futures trader...esp gold.) Self taught from true experts like you. I say used to be , because a few years ago I developed a physical disability (ankle, which I'm healing by Natural Means). Yet it ruined me financially...disability USA). So, unless a money miracle, I'll have to miss out.
As for when I was trading Gold, I could've made a fortune, IF I'd listened to my expert. Yet I was naive and shy, so ...I missed.
Still the people I followed explained that the cycles showed we were due a great crash & depression ala 1929 & 1031-33. This would've been 2008-9 (bigger than the "Crash" that did occur then) So, Enter the Fed and 27 trillion debt (34 T total, plus their Balance Sheet), to "avoid this. Yet the Piper will be paid soon.
So for me, I've been praying for a stake and hoping not to miss the crash of a lifetime, by shorting the markets. I tell people I could turn 10K to 10 million. They don't get it.
YET , as you probably know Conventional Wisdom says Gold only rises in inflation. And in Deflation/depression , the Dollar rises (ad is THE safe Haven. As in people literally stuffing their mattresses with $'s during the Great Depression. (Then again it was Gold backed1).
So I was thinking, recently, that IF I were to get my stake, maybe I'd short Gold instead of the Markets...or a comb. Yet, THEN YOU COME ALONG LAST WEEK, and take what we all assumed to be true to the ULTIMATE LEVEL. That is, it is GOLD that is the ultimate SOURCE.
Like I said, I'm being VERY BRIEF here. If you & I were sitting down having a chat...it would take a bit. Yet before your BOMBSHELL last week, I was already praying for my miracle stake, yet resigned that I miss the "game" I paid my dues to be in. That hasn't changed. What has changed is HOW I would play this IF my miracle occurs...and that would be doing what you reco.
So, as of now, I can't trade nor go to Costa Rica. YET I WILL DEVOUR every bit of info you send us.
And a few General Q's
1) I see now how Gold has retained it's value forever. And for those of us who would follow your strategy,...well our resources would A) BE SAFE and B) GROW by leaps and bound,. YET , if the rest of the world eventually wakes up and the fiats are gone, Then WOULDN'T our Gains evaporate. Because Gold would then just level down to a "Price". And in such an economy the only way to be MORE wealthy would be to accumulate MORE GOLD , because it's "price" could never change. I mean, our initial funds would still be safe (vs the masses ,yet our Growth would be gone. Elucidate please
2). in my current "poverty" I have limited web access (typing this from Public library). SO , WILL YOU POST A REPLAY OF YOUR WEBINAR for those of us who can't make it?
Thank You , Anthony V
Thank you for the wonderful compliment. I am both sad and grateful that you won't be able to make it, as having an actual expert in the room would probably intimidate me thanks to the schooling I was programmed with. A difficult bug to shift for sure.
I agree, a huge crash way bigger than 1929 is on the cards. To have the skill to short it with confidence at the right time would be a skill I would love (so am in admiration of your skill there). However, now at my age I like taking smaller risks, so even though this sector is rightly considered high risk, I understand the asset value and psychology so I can position myself to profit.
Yes, I intend to post the replay - unless there is a computer issue.
As for your other question, I'll answer that on the call next week. I think you will like the answer ;-)
Hi Andy,
I hope the Webinar went well! As I expected, I couldn't make the live time. So, will you still post the replay? And how will we access it.
Your report has me so charged up and motivated, that I am going TO MAKE MY MIRACLE happen...ie acquire a stake and trade (either your way &/or via the Futures Market. AND I will also attend your Mastermind if my stake comes in time. Sounds "impossible" , yet EVERYTHING IS POSSIBE! BELIVE!
Hi Anthony,
just finished adding it, here you go: https://andyshaw.substack.com/p/webinar-replay?r=50emv&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&triedRedirect=true
I trust you will enjoy it.
Best wishes,
Hi Andy. Thanks so much for the guide. It has given me a greater sense of urgency to take action. My question is ... how do you envisage what will happen when the fiat currency finally dies. Do you think it will be a coordinated global rollout of CBDCs?
Hi Andy, thanks for putting together such a wonderful explanation of the metals world. My question, is how do you reconcile being in the markets (2nd half of the report), when you fully acknowledge the risk presented in The Great Taking in the first part of the book? Wouldn't that be reason enough to stay away from the markets, and brokerage accounts that may already be someone else's collateral?
You're welcome, and I will answer that on the webinar as it is more than a complicated answer :-)
Hi Andy, Wally here...I just booked my call and paid my deposit. I’m very excited about this opportunity to see you all again!
Wonderful to hear from you!
Hi Wally, Nicola here. The email you entered with your deposit is not working, so we tried the email you used when you booked the previous event. Can you confirm you have received that email from me?
Hi Andy,
Thank you for taking the time putting the guide together. It's certainly helped me make a decision. I have a very small amount available to invest, way, way below the lowest required to join you in Costa Rica. So, on to my questions...
Is the fact that you make currency rather than money perhaps the biggest risk with trading?
Would the aim be to exit and purchase money in the form of precious metals before the shit really hits the fan?
In terms of investing in gold and silver coins, is there anywhere that you would recommend?
Hi Jon, I thought I could answer those quickly, but I'll have to answer them on the webinar.
Good Afternoon Andy,
In a worst-case scenario, safeguarding our assets might become secondary to more pressing survival concerns if societal breakdown leads to lawlessness and chaos. Such conditions could turn remaining assets into liabilities, attracting unwanted attention or even endangering personal safety. This kind of uncertainty could partly explain why some billionaires are exploring space ventures, perhaps as a backup escape plan. Your thoughts?
AZ: if you are so inclined, read my comment above. Yours is a most brilliant, timely inquiry.—Kat, world trends researcher 48 years, Holistic Practitioner medical intuitive, author on the topic of co-creating miracles. 😺
Uncanny update, Az. We live in a good community, yet I’m a pattern follower/situational awareness minded sort of gal. Having a paternal grandfather Chicago policeman, jail chaplain parents, certainly played a role in forming this part of my persona. Well, early yesterday, come to find out, one of our bank branches was robbed at a teller window. Thankfully, no one was hurt. He’s now on the FBI wanted list. I agree with your concern: we are in the end game, so my 48 years of in the trenches research has shown. No time like the present to remain ever vigilant. Kind regards, Kat, ever the realistic cautious optimist…
Nothing shocks as much as when the incident is close to home.
Hi Andy - I can see why holding financial / paper assets would be bad when fiat currencies get wiped out, but wouldn't real assets; e.g. good quality residential units, still retain their underlying value when the mayhem subsides? Also, you say in your book that at the forthcoming point of reckoning for fiat currencies that BTC will be dismissed as the way forward - is that because, in a time of crisis, people will look to history (and therefore gold) for a safe way to denominate money?
Briefly: we were close friends with one of 3 owners of related places we traversed, met the rather interesting Bob Moriarty there once.
As the weekly webcast audience will tell you, Bob is my favourite by far. And I listen to a lot of people.
Yes, for holding the attention of all men employees that knew hubby and I very well, at said shop, I found it enlightening that while I was speaking, Mr. Moriarty, a no nonsense kind of guy, focused solely on his business at hand. Years later, he would write a moving tribute on behalf of his dearly departed wife on his long running newsletter, 321 Gold. It would be advice from there, in addition to our own tenacity, that would give us the wherewithal required to become wholly debt free.
Hi Andy.
I’ve realised that I’m rubbish at accounting, journaling my investment progress and have some strange concerns about making sure I report correctly to HMRC 😵💫
Will you be covering the best way to make the returns as tax efficient as possible and ways to track and monitor the returns?
Am I banned from any further questions now 😉😅?
Currently, we've sold 3 places, UK, Switzerland and New Zealand. I can assure you I am in no way a tax expert in all, or in fact any jurisdiction. So tax mitigation wasn't part of the course. But I am more than happy to discuss over dinner, or at the bar.
No you are not banned from questions, questions are a good thing :-)
I think someone else has already asked this, but do you have an idea on when in Feb the event will take place..?
I was really hoping I can make this, but sadly it will only work for the latter half of the month 🤞🙏🏻
Also, are you happy for me to share the details of this with others?
I have a few friends that may be keen to come but wanted to check if it was just subscribers to your substack and your other groups at the moment?
Thank you
Hi Lyra,
Yes, we finally have confirmed dates, unfortunately I doubt they will suit you, the event is 6th to the 12th February.
Yes, I am very happy for you to share the details with others, thank you.
Thanks Andy.
I appreciate your honestly about the agenda and also the social aspects to the week are very appealing as I feel many of us function more authentically when off the clock and out of the classroom..
With the BTC and crypto surge at the moment I’d be keen to understand if it will be solely the traditional markets you’d be covering or also the evolving world of digital assets?
This is an area I’m finding it difficult to navigate at the moment and am looking for a supportive, experienced and professional community to join.
I am involved in Digital Assets, and no doubt they will come up during the week, plus dinners and lunches etc. But the main focus of the mastermind will be on the opportunity that is there in Precious Metals. The Crypto market has begun and so will run its course and enjoy it's year of plenty before its 3 years of famine. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the year of plenty, but I am looking at a 10 maybe even 15 year bull market in precious metals, so I intend to spend those years reaping the rewards :-)
To be honest this is exactly what I’ve been looking for.
I jumped into the world of trading and investing when I realised the world was not quite what I thought and that I’d been outsourcing some very important parts of my life.
The progress I’ve made is good, but this would massively accelerate and would be great to have some support.
That said, I’m in and on so many trainings and academies at the moment, I feel it will be a huge challenge to convince the hubby that more ‘development’ spend.. is a must!!
I don’t know if I missed it, but do you take BTC or crypto as payment for the event?
This is probably more war and piece than you imagined, but I’d really appreciate the chance to jump on a zoom to learn more.
Hi Lyra, Fully understood, I myself am on multiple too. We've had a few questions in from email over the last few days too, so I'll probably schedule a webinar next week.. And yes of course BTC and crypto are perfectly acceptable. Best wishes, Andy
Hi Andy, thanks for reinvigorating my precious metal buying. The collapse of banking and the current monetary system is somewhat underpinning thoughts of buying precious metals. If we consider that fiat currency becomes meaningless then the value of my silver coins is going to get decided by the new market ie how many potatoes I can buy with 1/2oz silver. Is it disingenuous to refer to "profits and gains" when the value of the dollar is going to become meaningless and hence profit cannot be calculated as there's no calibrating benchmark? Thanks, Russell
Hi Andy, thank you so much for the guide and your valuable insights as always.
However, what I don't understand is that you allude in the guide to holding physical gold/silver.
But when the **** hits the fan, how is that going to help us in a practical survival level if you need to buy food and resources? I don't see my local convenience store accepting silver coins!
My other question is that you seem to be suggesting that trading metals is the way to make serious returns but trading unless you know what you are doing is highly risky for the layman. Are there other more safer ways to invest in metals which you perhaps did not elaborate much on in the guide?