If you have any questions for me about what I shared in the Guide on Unlocking a Once-in-a-Lifetime Opportunity to Building Wealth With Precious Metals—Before the Market Takes Off in 2025…
Then I am happy to answer them here for you, or if you’d prefer me to answer them on a webinar then I’m happy to do that too.
Just let me know your question and if you’d like me to answer it here or on a webinar.
Best wishes,
P.S. If you missed the link for the guide, you can access it here:
Hi Andy, many thanks for putting the guide together. My question is I don't have much spare money to invest and I feel it isn't enough to make a real difference. What strategy would you recommend for a limited investment pot?
Hi Andy, I just booked my call and paid my deposit. I’m very excited about this opportunity with you. I’m in USA. What are dates for Mastermind in February to look into travel option?
Could investing be done only using pension funds? Seems that if gains are in pension funds then gains would be taxed when/if withdrawals are made. Is there a risk if I can’t withdrawal without penalty for 2.5 years to reach age 59.5. If new brokerage account opened are there better ones/more stable ones to consider? If fiat currency is devalued is there risk with ability to access accounts? i.e. Solvency of brokerage firm? Ok to answer here or on webinar. Thank you.