A lot may be awake but to scared because of the implications for them of what theyve done to people even as far down the line as nurses in the hospitals

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Excellent stack Andy- thank you. Makes perfect sense.

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Right on, Andy,

this state of mind that most people are currently in, it is always the messenger that is closest that gets shot. The messiah in the own home will never be heard, because he is insane...

Religion and Gvmts together with the "Want to be Gods" has used this, by editing the bible (Hironimus around 300 a.C.) and with the power of the internet, the mass fear-based Hypnosis has been triggered on this Earth, let it be a ball or flat, I don't care. 😂🤣😂

My dad once told me, "don't argue with a fool, because no one can tell you apart".

I think that is a smart observation and can be applied similarly. There are enough challenges to avoid being caught / smashed in the emotional roller-coaster anyway.

Thank you, sincerely, Gerhard.

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Well said Andy, I feel the same lately, people will have to wake up sooner or later, when the pain of going along with the lie becomes more than the pain of facing the truth.

All the best,


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I will keep this as short as I can. It looks like you have somehow ended up on the "opposite side" of the covid conversation from me, and it looks like you are missing a lot of information. I am not saying you are necessarily wrong, as I respect your thinking and your Bug-Free Mind books have been invaluable to me. But you might find it informative to hear my side of the story.

I am on the side of those who, to one degree or another, believe the "mainstream narrative" that covid was and is a serious threat and that vaccines are a helpful tool to mitigate the worst effects of the disease.

You propose that people who hold opinions like mine are "fighting our inner feelings," but in my case that is absolutely untrue. When the lockdowns started in the UK (I am American but was in England at the time) there was, as I'm sure you know, plenty of internet traffic with people offering every conceivable opinion about the virus. Our own president at the time claimed it was not especially harmful. Some said it was Gaia the earth spirit trying to reduce the human population to stop them from causing so much environmental damage. Still others pointed to Communists, aliens, lizard people, Satanic cults, and the Illuminati. Some people I knew suggested that you should ignore traditional medical advice and instead use herbs, hydroxychloroquine, a boiled lemon, direct sunlight, or the power of your mind to heal yourself. And this is not a comprehensive list.

For most of the above, I readily argued with these people. I was never a big fan of arguing on the internet. Even having read your book, I still strongly prefer to be right and if I think there's a risk of being wrong, I rarely argue. Anyway a lot of the memes and videos being spread around were so easily refuted that I went ahead and refuted them. I mean, this wasn't even a contest. These notions I argued against were unmistakably wrong.

Occasionally, though this was much less common, I would see something resembling actual data or a coherent opinion from a medical expert that suggested (for example) that perhaps lockdowns, masks, and vaccines were not the ideal solution. Nor do I completely disagree, at least with the lockdowns, as these created many problems. So there are some situations where the opposition was perfectly reasonable and justified. But most of what I saw was just memes and weak reasoning. The people who posted that sort of stuff clearly were not thinking critically.

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Are you planning to write anything on the topic of Israel Palestinian conflict and what is your take on it your opinion and what narratives are being pushed by mainstream media news outlets on this topic

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